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Update: Pioneer Pump Engine and Cooling Group Warranty Process


Please adhere to the following process for all future warranty concerns related to engines and cooling groups on Pioneer Pump® products:

Pioneer Logo ICON CLR

1.  Contact your Pioneer Pump Sales Representative for engine and cooling group concerns.

2.  Pioneer Pump will align correspondence with the appropriate supplier for service.

3.  Pioneer Pump will collaborate with the vendor pertaining to the resolution of any issue and the associated repair cost.

      • Failure to involve Pioneer Pump in the resolution process may impact compensation through the RMA process.

4.  RMA activity resulting from service will be conveyed to Pioneer Pump from the vendor on behalf of the product owner.

Costs incurred as the result of performing repair or replacement work by a non-authorized service technician will not be compensated by Pioneer Pump without written approval from Pioneer Pump. Engines and cooling groups are only warrantied if they are serviced by the vendor’s authorized service technicians.

If you have questions concerning the engine and cooling group warranty service process, please contact the Pioneer Pump Sales team at 503.266.4115 or

Case Study - Fairfield Glade Lift Station Replacement


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Fairfield Glade had massive infiltration and inflow (I&I) issues with a sewage collection system. Current pumps at the lift station could not keep up with rain events and sewage spills were likely during these events. This case describes overall savings realized by installing supplemental pumping capacity without the added costs associated with sizing the main lift station for peak flows.

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